08 – Magento learning – Day 8/30 – Magento design patterns

Magento 2 follows several design patterns to achieve modularity, extensibility, and maintainability. Here are some of the key design patterns used in Magento 2:

Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern:
As mentioned earlier, Magento 2 follows the MVC pattern to separate the concerns of data (Model), presentation (View), and application logic (Controller). This pattern helps to organize the codebase and make it more manageable.

Factory Pattern:
The Factory pattern is widely used in Magento 2 for object creation. It involves using factory classes to instantiate and configure objects, allowing for flexibility and encapsulation of object creation logic. Factories are commonly used to create models, blocks, and other Magento components.

Singleton Pattern:
The Singleton pattern ensures that only one instance of a class can exist throughout the application. In Magento 2, the Singleton pattern is often used for resource-intensive or globally accessible objects, such as database connection or configuration objects.

Observer Pattern:
The Observer pattern is employed extensively in Magento 2 for event-driven architecture. Observers listen to specific events triggered during the application’s execution and respond accordingly. This pattern allows for loosely coupled modules and enables extensibility without modifying the core code.

Dependency Injection (DI) Pattern:
Magento 2 heavily relies on the Dependency Injection pattern to manage object dependencies and promote loose coupling. DI allows classes to define their dependencies through constructor arguments or setter methods, making it easier to test and replace dependencies. Magento’s DI framework handles the instantiation and injection of dependencies.

Repository Pattern:
The Repository pattern is used in Magento 2 to abstract data access and manipulation operations. Repositories provide a uniform interface for interacting with persistent storage, such as databases, and encapsulate the underlying data access logic. This pattern helps to centralize data operations and improve code maintainability.

Strategy Pattern:
The Strategy pattern is utilized in Magento 2 for flexible and interchangeable algorithms. By employing this pattern, different implementations of an algorithm can be encapsulated as strategies and switched dynamically at runtime. Magento 2 uses the Strategy pattern in various contexts, such as pricing calculations or payment gateways.

Composite Pattern:
The Composite pattern is utilized in Magento 2’s block and layout system. Blocks can act as composite elements by containing child blocks within them. This pattern allows for the creation of complex nested structures while treating individual blocks and block hierarchies uniformly.

Decorator Pattern:
The Decorator pattern is employed in Magento 2 for extending or modifying the behavior of an object dynamically. Decorators wrap an object and provide additional functionality without changing its core implementation. Magento 2 utilizes decorators in various areas, such as caching, logging, and customizations through plugins.

Proxy Pattern:
The Proxy pattern is used in Magento 2 to control access to an object by creating a surrogate. Proxies can be used to add additional logic or perform actions before or after accessing the underlying object. Proxies are commonly used for lazy loading, caching, or security checks.

Iterator Pattern:
The Iterator pattern is employed in Magento 2 for traversing and accessing collections of objects in a standardized way. Iterators provide a consistent interface for iterating over data structures, such as arrays or database result sets. This pattern is used in various places within Magento, including collection objects and search results.

Template Method Pattern:
The Template Method pattern is used in Magento 2 to define a skeleton of an algorithm in a base class and allow subclasses to override specific steps. This pattern promotes code reuse and provides a consistent structure for executing common tasks with customizable behavior. Magento 2 utilizes the Template Method pattern in areas like email templates and block rendering.

Chain of Responsibility Pattern:
The Chain of Responsibility pattern is employed in Magento 2 to handle requests or events through a chain of processing objects. Each object in the chain has the opportunity to process the request or pass it along to the next object. This pattern enables loose coupling and flexibility in handling different types of requests or events.

Adapter Pattern:
The Adapter pattern is employed in Magento 2 to convert the interface of one class into another interface that clients expect. Adapters are used to bridge the gap between different interfaces and enable incompatible components to work together. This pattern is commonly used when integrating with external systems or services.

Proxy Pattern:
The Proxy pattern is used in Magento 2 to control access to an object by creating a surrogate. Proxies can add additional logic or perform actions before or after accessing the underlying object. Proxies are often used for lazy loading, caching, or security checks.

Service Locator Pattern:
The Service Locator pattern is utilized in Magento 2 for centralizing the retrieval of services or dependencies. The Service Locator acts as a registry that stores and provides access to various services throughout the application. This pattern promotes loose coupling by allowing components to request services without being directly aware of their implementations.

Value Object Pattern:
The Value Object pattern is used in Magento 2 to represent immutable objects that contain a set of values. Value objects are used to encapsulate and manipulate related data as a single unit. They are typically used for attributes, options, or configurations that do not change once created.

Command Pattern:
The Command pattern is employed in Magento 2 to encapsulate requests as objects, allowing for parameterization, queuing, and logging of operations. Commands decouple the sender of a request from the receiver, providing a flexible way to handle and manage operations. Magento 2 uses the Command pattern in areas such as cron jobs and message queues.