React.js Syllabus

  • Week 1: Introduction to React.js
  • Day 1: Introduction to React.js
    • What is React.js?
    • Why use React.js?
    • Setting up a development environment
  • Day 2: JSX and Components
    • Understanding JSX syntax
    • Creating and rendering components
    • Nesting components
  • Day 3: Props and State
    • Passing data with props
    • Managing component state
    • Updating state
  • Day 4: Handling Events
    • Event handling in React.js
    • Common event handlers
    • Updating state with event handlers
  • Day 5: Lifecycle Methods
    • Understanding React component lifecycle
    • Using lifecycle methods: componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount
  • Week 2: Advanced React Concepts
  • Day 6: Conditional Rendering and Lists
    • Conditional rendering in React.js
    • Rendering lists of data
    • Key prop and its importance
  • Day 7: Forms in React
    • Controlled vs. Uncontrolled components
    • Handling form submissions
    • Form validation
  • Day 8: React Hooks
    • Introduction to React Hooks
    • useState, useEffect, and other built-in hooks
    • Custom hooks
  • Day 9: Context API and State Management
    • Understanding Context API
    • Managing global state with Context
    • When to use Context vs. Redux
  • Day 10: React Router
    • Setting up React Router
    • Navigating between routes
    • Passing parameters to routes
  • Week 3: Building Real-world Applications
  • Day 11: Building UI Components
    • Designing UI components
    • Styling components with CSS and/or CSS-in-JS libraries
    • Component libraries (e.g., Material-UI, Ant Design)
  • Day 12: Handling Asynchronous Operations
    • Making HTTP requests with Axios or Fetch API
    • Handling asynchronous operations with async/await
  • Day 13: State Management with Redux
    • Introduction to Redux
    • Setting up Redux in a React application
    • Actions, reducers, and the Redux store
  • Day 14: Integrating External Libraries
    • Integrating third-party libraries with React.js
    • Using React with D3 for data visualization
    • Integrating with charting libraries (e.g., Chart.js)
  • Day 15: Deployment and Optimization
    • Optimizing React applications for performance
    • Deployment strategies (e.g., Netlify, Vercel)
    • Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Week 4: Project and Recap
  • Day 16-20: Project Week
    • Work on a real-world project incorporating all the concepts learned
    • Apply best practices in React.js development
    • Seek help from online resources and communities
  • Day 21: Recap and Review
    • Review key concepts and best practices learned throughout the course
    • Discuss challenges faced during the project week
    • Q&A session to address any remaining doubts
  • This syllabus provides a structured approach to learning React.js, covering both fundamental concepts and advanced topics. Make sure to supplement your learning with hands-on practice, projects, and seeking help from online resources and communities whenever needed. Happy coding!